Gladys’ Transformation

Gladys Carmack is 76 years old and going strong! She has been a loyal Four Seasons member since 1968, and continues to work on being healthier each and every year. Gladys loves participating in water fitness class three times a week at Four Seasons I with her friends. She also lifts weights two days a week and walks to get her cardio in. She commented on the friendly and helpful staff and amazing senior program, Fit Together.

Let’s congratulate Gladys on meeting her goal of losing 42 pounds! She’s now retired and finally made working out a priority. She said the best thing she could have done for herself was put her workouts on the calendar like an appointment she can’t miss. That way she makes sure she gets to the gym five days a week.

Great advice, Gladys! Thanks for sharing your transformation story. Hopefully this will inspire others to not give up in their journey!