The Reset & Recovery Lounge at Four Seasons II is a place where you can relax, recharge, and recover post workout using our available resources that work best for you!

HydroMassage Overview
- Reduces muscle soreness
- Reduces stress
- Improves post-workout recovery
- Ability to personalize your massage experience: body area, pressure, speed & duration
HyperIce & Normatec Overview
- Maximizes improvements in joint range of motion/flexibility while minimizing soreness and pain
- Maximizes increases in treated tissue blood flow, oxygenation and metabolite clearance
- Reduces local inflammation and oxidative stress associated with activities and / or manual techniques
- Reduces markers of muscle breakdown potentiating a pro-healing /growth environment

HyperVolt Therapy Percussion Gun / Vyper Vibrating Foam Rollers / HyperSphere Vibrating Spheres / Venom Heat & Percussion
- Increases circulation
- Loosens and relaxes sore / stiff muscles
- Accelerates warmup and recovery
- Increases range of motion and flexibility
Normatec Compression Products:
- Reduces muscle soreness and pain
- Improves flexibility and range of motion
- Improves blood flow
- Improves muscle oxygenation
- Reduces inflammation
- Decreases markers of muscle breakdown
- Flushes out metabolites post exercise / massage