Four Seasons has partnered with The Baby Fold!

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We are excited to announce that Four Seasons has partnered with The Baby Fold this Spring session to pilot our Learn-to-Swim Scholarship Program.

Our Learn-to-Swim program offers kids an opportunity to increase awareness about the importance of water safety and the need to learn to swim while providing free opportunities to agencies that specialize in underprivileged youth outreach. Four Seasons extends one of these Learn-to-Swim scholarships to one agency per year and cannot wait to partner with The Baby Fold for our Spring Session.

The Baby Fold is a multi-service agency specializing in the care of children through adoption services, foster care, residential care, special education and family and community services. They currently serve 1,000-3,000 children and families annually.

We have two groups of kids from The Baby Fold this session; four swimmers on Tuesdays at 4:00pm and four swimmers on Wednesdays at 4:00pm. There are also adult (Baby Fold) chaperones that attend lessons with these swimmers each week. They will be attending lessons weekly through the end of the spring session (May 25). We are thrilled to be partnering with The Baby Fold, please help us welcome this group to Four Seasons!